Past Tense

Director Joe Menendez had been directing recreations for a Spanish language "Cops" show and wanted to direct an dramatic film in English. He and a writing partner had written a feature called "Past Tense" which they rewrote as a short.

We took a small crew out to Palmdale and suffered through 115 degree heat and gale force winds for three days to make the film.

The Discovery Joe has a brilliant sense of visuals. He had this film shot and edited in his head long before we went out into the desert. Having said that, he is a good colaborator, and before we shot a sequence, he and I discussed the entire scene, and revised his storyboards.

We shot transitions which make the scenes flow together, building tension and pushing the story forward. The result is a very tight, film with a high production values which support the drama of the script.

Joe is currently in the process of submitting Past Tense to film festivals.

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